

荷蘭攝影師 Sarah Mei Herman 一直很著迷於探討人與人之間的關係,她很好奇是什麼定義了人際關係,是因為身體上的親密接觸?或者是以人們分開的程度而定?她認為一個敏感的碰觸或是難以捉摸的情緒變化都是語言所無法表達出來的!過去幾年的時間,她以同父異母的弟弟 Jonathan 以及她父親 Julian 當做拍攝以及實驗的對象,單獨或是一起拍攝完成這系列〝Julian and Jonathan〞作品。她對於這個另類的〝三角〞關係非常感興趣,尤其是她比弟弟 Jonathan 年長 20 歲。透過拍攝父親,她以第三者的角度切入這個特別的三角關係,她同父異母的弟弟反映出了她的童年以及她與父親真正的關係!



Sarah Mei Herman is fascinated by relationships between people. She is curious about what defines a relationship, the physical closeness between people or what sets them apart, and the necessity of this physical proximity to others. ‘The most fragile contact and elusive things between people often seem to exist beyond the reach of language.’

Throughout the last few years Sarah Mei Herman has been photographing her half-brother Jonathan, alone or together with his (and her) father. She is very interested in the ‘triangular’ relationship between the three of them, especially since her half-brother is twenty years younger than her. By photographing Julian she tries to approach their unusual sibling-relationship which she is part of at a physical distance. Her half-brother mirrors the memories of her childhood and her relationship with her father. The work is very much about herself, and ‘this part of my family, as well as the relationship between a relatively older father and his young child.’

All images © Sarah Mei Herman


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